Citation | Auteur | Année | Page | Romains | Figure | Patrie | Catégorie |
Leptura Maculata | Poda | 1761 | 37 | | | ad Græcium | |
Cerambyx Fasciatus | Scopoli | 1763 | 54 | | | Carniola | |
Leptura (elongata) | Degeer | 1775 | 134 | | | | |
Leptura Armata | Herbst | 1784 | 101 | | pl. XXVI, fig. 24 | Berlin | |
Leptura Scopoliana | Laicharting | 1784 | 145 | | | Tyrolen | |
Stenocorus rubeus | Geoffroy | 1785 | 86 | | | Habitat rubum | |
Leptura elongata | Thunberg | 1787 | 56 | nota 9 | | | |
Leptura quinquemaculata | Gmelin | 1790 | 1868 | | | Europa | |
Leptura subspinosa | Fabricius | 1793 | 347 | | | Kiliae | |
Leptura sinuata | Fabricius | 1793 | 347 | | | Kiliae | |
Leptura calcarata | Olivier | 1800 | 14 | N° 73 | pl. I, figs 1a-b | environs de Paris | Moeurs |
Strangalia Calcarata | Dejean | 1835 | 355 | | | P., Austria, Suecia | Catalogue |
Strangalia Armata var. Binotata | Mulsant | 1839 | 258 | | | | Faune |
Strangalia Armata var. Externe-punctata | Mulsant | 1839 | 258 | | | | Faune |
Strangalia Armata var. Impunctata | Mulsant | 1839 | 258 | | | | Faune |
Strangalia Armata var. Punctato-fasciata | Mulsant | 1839 | 258 | | | | Faune |
Strangalia Armata var. Undulata | Mulsant | 1839 | 259 | | | | Faune |
Strangalia calcarata | Boheman | 1850 | 232 | | | Gottland | Distribution |
Strangalia armata var. nigricornis | Stierlin | 1864 | 153 | | | Sicilien | nomen non disponible |
Leptura maculata | Gemminger & Harold | 1872 | 2867 | | | M. Germania, Suecia, Italia, Gallia, Dania, Tirolis, Hispania, Sicilia, Anglia, Helvetia | Catalogue |
Leptura (Strangalia) maculata | Marquet | 1899 | 204 | | | Languedoc | Distribution |
Strangalia maculata var. Dayremi | Pic | 1903 | 4 | | | France : Brest | |
Leptura (Strangalia) maculata v. alsatica | Pic | 1906 | 67 | | | Alsace : Urbis | |
Leptura (Strangalia) maculata v. disconotata | Pic | 1908 | 3 | | | Brest et Alsace | |
Strangalia maculata v. pignetensis | Pic | 1912 | 66 | | | Lus-la-Croix-Haute : forêt de Pignet | |
Strangalia (Strangalia) maculata | Aurivillius | 1912 | 234 | | | Europa | Catalogue |
Strangalia maculata var. bifenestrata | Pic | 1933 | 2 | | | Gallia septentrionalis | |
Strangalia maculata v. Nicodi | Pic | 1933 | 6 | | | France : Vaugueray | |
Strangalia maculata a. Veselýi | Heyrovský | 1936 | 54, 57 | | | Kaukasus (Swanetien) | |
Strangalia maculata a. Machulkai | Heyrovský | 1936 | 54, 57 | | | Umgebung von Košice, Slowakei | |
Strangalia maculata ab. Perroudi | Pic | 1937 | 14 | | | | unvalid name |
Strangalia maculata ab. inclusopunctata | Pic | 1937 | 14 | | | | unvalid name |
Strangalia maculata ab. prebifenestrata | Pic | 1937 | 14 | | | | unvalid name |
Strangalia maculata f. Wünschi | Roubal | 1937 | 81 | | fig. 4 (élytre droit) | Banska Bystrica, Harmanec | |
Strangalia armata | Donisthorpe | 1938 | 117 | | | Windsor Forest | Distribution |
Strangalia maculata a. inovecensis | Heyrovský | 1943 | 50 | | | Berge Inovec, Slowakei | |
Strangalia maculata a. parumnotata | Roubal | 1943 | 57 | | | Slovakia : Inovec, Hvozdnica n. H. | |
Strangalia maculata v. pacifica | Pic | 1945 | 13 | | | Les Guerreaux | |
Strangalia maculata v. discobiinterrupta | Pic | 1945 | 13 | | | | |
Strangalia maculata v. dromensis | Pic | 1945 | 13 | | | Luz-Rioufroid | |
Strangalia maculata ab. maculipes | Podaný | 1950 | 19 | | | Espagne : Picos de Europa, La Liebana | |
Leptura (Stenura) maculata ab. punctatointegra | Csiki | 1953 | 119 | | | Ungarn : Budapest ; Leányfalu | |
Leptura (Stenura) maculata ab. scutonotata | Csiki | 1953 | 120 | | | Ungarn : Budapest, Csúcshegy | |
Rutpela maculata | Nakane & Ohbayashi | 1957 | 48 | A 242 | fig. 4 | | comb. nov. |
Strangalia maculata | Podaný | 1963 | 9 | | fig. 5 | | |
Strangalia maculata ab. simillata | Podaný | 1963 | 9 | | fig. 1 (élytre droit) | Soci, Caucase, U.R.S.S. | nomen nudum |
Strangalia maculata ab. Leseigneuri | Podaný | 1963 | 9 | | fig. 2 (élytre droit) | Trencin, Slovaquie | nomen nudum |
Strangalia maculata ab. errata | Podaný | 1963 | 9 | | fig. 3 (élytre droit) | Lubochna, Slovaquie | nomen nudum |
Strangalia maculata ab. rarissima | Podaný | 1963 | 9 | | fig. 4 (élytre droit) | Lubochna, Slovaquie | nomen nudum |
Strangalia maculata | Villiers | 1967 | 350 | | | Europe, Asie Mineure, Caucase, Nord de l'Iran | Distribution |
Strangalia maculata m. steineri | Demelt | 1970 | 31 | | | Asia minor mer. (Taurus), Akseki | |
Leptura (Rutpela) maculata | Villiers | 1978 | 199 | | figs 767-837 | Toute l'Europe, Caucase, Asie Mineure, Nord de l'Iran | Faune |
Strangalia maculata | Schmitt | 1991 | 270 | | fig. 7 | | Stridulation |
Leptura maculata | Rabil | 1992 | 145 | | | Forêt de la Grésigne (Tarn) | Distribution, Moeurs |
Rutpela maculata | Landemaine | 1999 | 244 | | | département de la Mayenne | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Pedroni | 1999 | 29 | | | Appenino bolognese | Distribution |
Leptura maculata | Marquet | 2001 | 115 | | | Parc naturel régional de la Brenne (Indre) | Distribution |
Leptura maculata | Denton | 2002 | 266 | | | South Hampshire, North Hampshire, Surrey, West Sussex | Distribution |
Leptura maculata | Cartier | 2002 | 179 | | | Rueil-Malmaison | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Sama | 2003 | 39 | | figs 220-223 | Europe, Asia Minor, Caucasus, Transcaucasia, northern Iran, Kazakhstan. From Scandinavia to Sicily and Portugal to Russia and Crimea | Faune |
Rutpela maculata | Brustel, Berger & Cocquempot | 2003 | 447 | | | | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Gouillard | 2003 | 126 | | | Gâtinais : Seine-et-Marne | Distribution |
Leptura maculata | Warzee & Drumont | 2004 | 49 | | | Belgique | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Migliaccio, Georgiev & Gashtarov | 2004 | 139 | | | Vitosha Mountain, Bulgaria | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Dauber | 2004 | 83 | | | Insel Samos, Griechenland | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Micas | 2005 | 147 | | | vallon de la Moulière (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) | Distribution |
Leptura maculata | Weitzel | 2005 | 70 | | | Mattheiser Wald | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Denux | 2005 | 231 | | | Parc naturel régional du Perche (Orne & Eure-et-Loir) | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Bouget & al. | 2005 | 25 | | | forêts de Brie (Seine-et-Marne) : Armainvilliers, Crécy, Ferrières | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Sautière | 2005 | 15 | | | Vernou-sur-Brenne, Noizay, La Ville-aux-Dames (Indre-et-Loire) | Distribution, Plante nourricière |
Rutpela maculata | Debreuil | 2006 | 33 | | | Pyrénées-Orientales | Distribution |
Leptura (Rutpela) maculata maculata | Goggi | 2006 | 317 | | | Valsassina (Lecco, Lombardia) | Distribution, Moeurs |
Rutpela maculata | Brin, Brustel & Valladares | 2006 | 60 | | | vallée du Marcadau (Hautes-Pyrénées) | Distribution |
Leptura (Ruptela) maculata | Goggi | 2007 | 85 | | | Parco della Grigna Settentrionale (Lecco, Lombardia) | Distribution, misspelling |
Rutpela maculata | Ehnström & Holmer | 2007 | 23, 38, 56, 163 | | fig. (mâle) | Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland | Faune, Plante nourricière, Moeurs |
Rutpela maculata | ACSN | 2007 | 107 | | | Aube : Amance, Clérey | Distribution |
Leptura maculata | Simon | 2007 | 155 | | | Domaine de Rochebois à Vitrac (Dordogne) | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Drumont & Warzee | 2008 | 6 | | | France : Lot-et-Garonne | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Mouthiez & Péru | 2008 | 110 | | | Loiret | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Peris-Felipo & al. | 2008 | 106 | | | Parque Natural de La Tinença de Benifassà (Castellón) | Distribution |
Leptura maculata | Simon | 2008 | 340 | | | Brive-la-Gaillarde (Corrèze) | Distribution |
Leptura maculata | Dutrillaux | 2008 | 159, 164 | | fig. 1 | France | polychromatisme |
Rutpela maculata | Koren & Perović | 2010 | 128 | | | Vozilići, Eastern Istria, Croatia | Distribution |
Strangalia maculata | Pacini | 2011 | 15 | | | Uzhgorod; The Carpathians; Ukraine | Distribution |
Leptura maculata | Gäde & Marco | 2011 | 83 | | Table 1 | Konstanz in Germany | Biochemistry |
Leptura maculata | Zamoroka & al. | 2012 | 1155 | | | Western Podillya, Ukraine: Opillya ; Roztocha ; Holohory ; Medobory ; East Pokuttya ; Khotyn Eminence | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Ilić & Ćurčić | 2013 | 77 | | | Serbia: Rtanj Mountain | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata maculata | Barševskis & Savenkov | 2013 | 95 | | fig. 12 | Latvia | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Dobrosavljević & Mihajlović | 2014 | 24 | | table 1 | Serbia | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Vukajlović & Źivanović | 2014 | 197 | | | Gledić Mountains (Central Serbia) | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Topalov & al. | 2014 | 97 | | | Bulgaria: Vitosha Mountain | Distribution, Plante nourricière |
Rutpela maculata maculata | Plewa, Hilszczański & Jaworski | 2014 | 129 | | | Romania | Distribution, Plante nourricière |
Rutpela maculata maculata | Özdikmen | 2014 | 407 | | | Europe, Kazakhstan, Caucasus, NW Turkey | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata maculata | Danilevsky | 2014 | 337 | | pl. 34, figs 1 (mâle), 2 (femelle) | | Faune |
Rutpela maculata | Reisdorf & al. | 2015 | 155 | | table 1 | Marais de Montabé (Essonne) | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata ssp. maculata | Siering, Fremuth & Heinemann | 2015 | 46 | | | Prespa-Nationalparks in Albanien | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata maculata | Georgiev, Gjonov & Sakalian | 2015 | 78 | | | Strandzha Mountain (Bulgaria: Zvezdets) | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Klausnitzer & al. | 2016 | 411 | | fig. 153 | Mitteleuropa | Faune, Plante nourricière, Moeurs |
Rutpela maculata | Facon | 2016 | 6 | | | France : Montreuillois | Distribution, Moeurs |
Rutpela maculata | Şabanoğlu & Şen | 2016 | 318 | | | Isparta Province (Turkey) | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Cartier & Cartier | 2016 | 225 | | | Vienne : Montreuil-Bonnin, Quinçay, Vouillé | Distribution, Moeurs |
Rutpela maculata | Kalashian | 2017 | 43 | | | Armenia: Hankavan hydrological State Sanctuary | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata maculata | Doychev & al. | 2017 | 514 | | table 1 ; fig. 2C (nymphe) | Bulgaria | Plante nourricière, Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Kalashian & Khalatyan | 2018 | 312 | | | Jermuk hydrological State Sanctuary (Armenia) | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Haddad & al. | 2018 | 5 | | fig. 1d ; table 1 | | Phylogénie |
Rutpela maculata | Żurawlew & Melke | 2018 | 90 | | table 1 | Poland: Pleszew District (Wielkopolska-Kujawy Lowland) | Distribution |
Leptura maculata | Zamoroka | 2018 | 671 | | | Ukraine: Eastern Carpathian Mountains | Distribution |
Leptura maculata | Vitali | 2018 | 9, 10, 97 | | figs 175 (phénologie), 176a-b (mâles), 176c (femelle), 176d-e (mâles in situ), 177 (carte) | Luxembourg | Faune, synonymie |
Strangalia maculata | Vives & Comella | 2019 | 297 | | | España (Catalunya): Sant Llorenç del Munt | Distribution, Moeurs |
Rutpela maculata maculata | Varlı & al. | 2019 | 89 | | | Western Turkey (Balıkesir) | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata var. escudei | Háva | 2019 | 101 | | figs 1 (habitus femelle), 2-4 | Czech Republic: Bohemia centr., Dobříš - osada Vlaška | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata maculata | Gradinarov & Petrova | 2019 | 62 | | | Bulgaria: Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Barševskis & Lecka | 2019 | 282 | | | Latvia | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata maculata | Gradinarov & Petrova | 2020 | 162 | | | Bulgaria: Sarnena Sredna Gora Mountains | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Micas & Van Meer | 2020 | 140 | | | France (Landes) : Réserve Naturelle du Courant d’Huchet | Distribution |
Leptura maculata | Burton | 2020 | 127 | | fig. 3 (femelle) | Luxembourg : Bissen Säitert | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata maculata | Tamutis & Alekseev | 2020 | 193 | | fg. 5 (carte) | Lithuania (Kaliningrad Region) | Distribution, Plante nourricière, Moeurs |
Leptura maculata | Dovhaniuk & Zamoroka | 2020 | 135 | | | Ukraine (Ternopil Region): National Park "Kremenetski Hory" | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Sautière & Bidault | 2020 | 112 | | | Corse : Ghisoni ; Pioggiola | Distribution, Moeurs |
Rutpela maculata | Touroult & Witté | 2020 | 766 | | | France (Lot): Saint-Germain-du-Bel-Air | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Şabanoğlu | 2020 | 201 | | table 1 | Turkey: Artvin | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Özdikmen | 2021 | 520 | | | Turkey | Plante nourricière |
Ruptela maculata | Szafraniec & Łuszczak | 2021 | 22 | | | Western Beskid Mountains | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | López & Baena | 2021 | 19 | | | España (Andalucía): Jaén | Distribution, Plante nourricière |
Rutpela maculata subsp. maculata | Georgiev & al. | 2021 | 4 | | | Bulgaria | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Özdikmen | 2021 | 445 | | | Turkey | Plante nourricière |
Rutpela maculata | Barševskis & al. | 2021 | 134 | | | Latvia: National park, Šlītere; Dundaga | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata maculata | Özdikmen | 2021 | 415 | | | Asian Turkey: Adana, Amasya, Artvin, Balıkesir, Bingöl, Bolu, Bursa, Çanakkale, Çankırı, Düzce, Eskişehir, Hatay, Isparta, İçel, İstanbul, Karabük, Kastamonu, Kocaeli, Konya, Malatya, Muş, Osmaniye, Rize, Samsun, Sinop, Sivas, Tokat, Trabzon, Tunceli provinces & European Turkey (İstanbul, Kırklareli provinces) | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Miłkowski & Mokrzycki | 2021 | 43 | | | Poland | Plante nourricière |
Rutpela maculata | Bunalski, Konwerski & Przewoźny | 2022 | 13 | | | Western Poland | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Ruchin, Egorov & Khapugin | 2022 | 17 | | table 1 | Central European Russia | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Jacquot | 2022 | 32 | | | France (Isère) : environs du Col de Rousset (au sud du massif du Vercors) | Distribution, Moeurs |
Rutpela (Rutpela) maculata | Zamoroka & al. | 2022 | 130 | | figs 8c, 9f, 10h (femelle & mâle) | West Palearctic | |
Rutpela maculata | Zamoroka | 2022 | 57 | | | Ukraine | Distribution |
Rutpela maculata | Skrylnik & al. | 2023 | 26 | | table 1 | eastern Ukraine | Plante nourricière |
Rutpela maculata maculata | Barševskis, Zeltiņa & Barševska | 2024 | 254 | | | Latvia | Distribution |