Cerambycidae (Longhorns)

Base de données Titan sur les Cerambycidés ou Longicornes

Atimia helenae Linsley, 1934




Intervalle de la taille(mm) : [8 - 12]
Atimia helenae compte 12 citations :

Atimia helenæLinsley193425California
Atimia helenaeDoane & al.1936185Pacific statesMoeurs
Atimia helenæLinsley & Usinger193655Pope Valley, CaliforniaDistribution
Atimia helenaeLinsley193972pl. 14, fig. 5Dry foothills of central and northern California (Marin, Sonoma, Napa and Lake counties)Révision
Atimia helenaeLinsley196297Pl. 1, fig. 2Dry foothills of central and northern California ; Marin, Sonoma, Napa and Lake countiesFaune
Atimia helenaeFrankie & Jensen1971287figs 1-4 (femelle & mâle)Marin County, CaliforniaBiologie
Atimia helenaeFurniss & Carolin1977293CaliforniaPlante nourricière
Atimia helenaeChemsak, Linsley & Noguera199226CalifCatalogue
Atimia helenaeMonné199428United States (Dry foothills of central and northern California: Marin, Sonoma, Napa and Lake counties)Catalogue
Atimia helenaeMonné & Giesbert199423sw USA (CA)Catalogue
Atimia helenaeChemsak199661pl. III, fig. 11 (femelle)Dry foothills of southern, central and northern California ; San Diego, Marin, Sonoma, Napa and Lake CountiesFaune
Atimia helenaeLinsley & Chemsak1997349Plante nourricière

Atimia helenae compte 1 type :

Nom du typeTypeSexeCollectionInstitutionPaysRégionLocalitéDateCollecteur
Atimia helenae Linsley, 1934HolotypeMâleCalifornia Academy of Sciences, San FranciscoÉTATS-UNISCaliforniaCypress Ridge, Marin County6 avril 1921E. C. Van Dyke