Cerambycidae (Longhorns)

Base de données Titan sur les Cerambycidés ou Longicornes

Saperda hornii Joutel, 1902




Etymology : in honour of George Henry HORN
Intervalle de la taille(mm) : [10 - 20]
Saperda hornii compte 32 citations :

Saperda horniiJoutel190233pl. II, figs 1-5California
Saperda horniiFelt & Joutel190422pl. 7, fig. 3
Saperda horniiGarnett1918283Distribution
Saperda horniiCraighead1923128pl. 23, fig. 9Larve
Saperda HorniAurivillius1923485Californien, Oregon, WashingtonCatalogue
Saperda uteanaCasey1924294Utah
Saperda horniCasey1924295Pacific coast as far south as Los AngelesDistribution
Saperda horniCriddle192598Distribution
Saperda horniEssig1926462California, Oregon and WashingtonBiologie
Saperda horniiHopping1931237
Saperda horniBeaulne1932221Plante nourricière
Saperda horniLinsley1936119California, Orange CountyMoeurs
Saperda horniDoane & al.1936192CaliforniaMoeurs
Saperda horniKnowlton & Wood195013Distribution
Saperda (Saperda) HorniBreuning1952161Los Angeles. Westen der Vereinigten Staaten; Oregon, Washington, Californien; UtahRévision
Saperda horniChemsak195841California, Contra Costa CountyPlante nourricière
Saperda horniiAbdullah & Abdullah196691
Saperda horniTyson1966206CaliforniaPlante nourricière
Saperda (Saperda) horniBreuning1966669U.S. occ.Catalogue
Saperda horniiHatch1971154
Saperda horniChemsak, Linsley & Noguera1992151PacCst, NAmerCatalogue
Saperda horniMonné & Giesbert1994275Pac Cst NAmerCatalogue
Saperda horniLinsley & Chemsak1995175fig. 31 (mâle)Pacific Coast from British Columbia to southern California and UtahFaune
Saperda horniiMonné199546Pacific coast of North AmericaCatalogue
Saperda horniLinsley & Chemsak1997431Plante nourricière
Saperda horniMonné & Hovore2006297Pac Cst NAmerCatalogue
Saperda uteanaLingafelter & al.2014339, 369fig. 177 k (lectotype)USA: Utah, VineyardLectotype
Saperda horniiLingafelter & al.201476fig. 83 e (holotype)USA: California, Los Angeles Co.Holotype
Saperda horniiBousquet & al.2017174pl. 42 femelle ; carte 278Canada: from south-central British Columbia to southwestern AlbertaFaune
Saperda horniRice, MacRae & Merickel2017671, 677table 1IdahoDistribution
Saperda horniiHeffern, Vlásak & Alten2018749United States (California): El Dorado Co.Plante nourricière
Saperda horniGimmel, Johnston & Caterino202333, 255table 3California Channel Islands: Santa CruzDistribution

Saperda hornii compte 2 types :

Nom du typeTypeSexeCollectionInstitutionPaysRégionLocalitéDateCollecteur
Saperda hornii Joutel, 1902HolotypeMâleex Coquillett collectionNational Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian)ÉTATS-UNISCaliforniaYosemite
Saperda uteana Casey, 1924LectotypeFemelleex collection T.L. CaseyNational Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian)ÉTATS-UNISUtahVineyardTom Spalding