Cerambycidae (Longhorns)

Base de données Titan sur les Cerambycidés ou Longicornes

Pachyta armata LeConte, 1873




Etymology : Latin : armed
Intervalle de la taille(mm) : [7 - 22]
Pachyta armata compte 25 citations :

Pachyta armataLeConte1873207Oregon
Pachyta armataLameere188322OregonCatalogue
Pachyta armataLeng189097
Pachyta armataAurivillius1912183Washington-Territ., Oregon, IdahoCatalogue
Pachyta armataLeng1920271Id. Or. Wash.Catalogue
Pachyta armataBoppe192163Washington, Orégon, Idaho
Pachyta armataHardy1927sans paginationC24Biologie
Pachyta armataCanova1936131OregonDistribution, Plante nourricière
Pachyta armataDoane & al.1936176Rocky Mountains of Idaho and Cascade Mountains of Washington and Oregon, and British Columbia
Pachyta armataHopping193717pl. 3
Pachyta armataHardy194415
Pachyta armataHardy194832Distribution
Pachyta armataHardy1955sans paginationB50
Pachyta armataClark195641Distribution
Pachyta (Linsleyana) armataPodaný196452pl. 3, fig. 4
Pachyta armataHatch1971139pl. 15, fig. 14
Pachyta armataLinsley & Chemsak197267fig. 23 (mâle)Pacific Coast to CaliforniaFaune
Pachyta armataFurniss & Carolin1977297from California to British Columbia and IdahoBiologie
Pachyta armataChemsak, Linsley & Noguera199299PacCstCatalogue
Pachyta armataMonné & Giesbert1994168w USA (Pac Cst)Catalogue
Pachyta armataMonné199525Pacific coast to CaliforniaCatalogue
Pachyta armataLinsley & Chemsak1997414Plante nourricière
Pachyta armataChemsak200596pl. VII, fig. 4Pacific Coast to CaliforniaFaune
Pachyta armataSwift20086CaliforniaDistribution, Plante nourricière, Moeurs
Pachyta armataBousquet & al.2017104pl. 17 mâle ; carte 129Canada: British Columbia, it occurs mostly over the western half of the province, including Vancouver Island, as far north as the Portland Inlet areaFaune

Pachyta armata compte 1 type :

Nom du typeTypeSexeCollectionInstitutionPaysRégionLocalitéDateCollecteur
Pachyta armata LeConte, 1873Holotypeex collection J.L. LeConteMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard UniversityÉTATS-UNISOregonH. Ulke