Cerambycidae (Longhorns)

Base de données Titan sur les Cerambycidés ou Longicornes

Tragosoma spiculum Casey, 1890




Etymology : Latin : sting
Intervalle de la taille(mm) : [23 - 34]
Tragosoma spiculum compte 21 citations :

Tragosoma spiculumCasey1890492pl. IV, fig. 15 (prothorax du mâle)New Mexico
Tragosoma spiculumLeng & Hamilton1896164en synonymie
Tragosoma spiculumCasey189999New MexicoClef
Tragosoma spiculumFall & Cockerell1907191Distribution
Tragosoma depsarium race spiculumSchaeffer & Leng1912213
Tragosoma spiculumCasey1912231
Tragosoma spiculumCasey1924226
Tragosoma chiricahuaeLinsley1959127Arizona
Tragosoma chiricahuaeLinsley, Knull & Statham19617fig. 3 (femelle)Plante nourricière
Tragosoma chiricahuaeLinsley196257Higher mountains of southeastern ArizonaFaune
Tragosoma chiricahuaeRuette197022Arizonaparatype
Tragosoma chiricahuaeLewis197922ArizonaDistribution
Tragosoma chiricahuaeGalileo1987180figs 53, 55, 63, 70, 76, 78, 82, 93, 96, 99, 109, 112, 118, 128Estados Unidos (Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona)Révision
Tragosoma chiricahuaeChemsak, Linsley & Noguera199222ArizCatalogue
Tragosoma chiricahuaeMonné & Giesbert199418sw USA (AZ)Catalogue
Tragosoma chiricahuaeMonné199564Higher mountains of southeastern ArizonaCatalogue
Tragosoma chiricahuaeChemsak1996128pl. IX, figs 8 (mâle) & 9 (femelle)Higher mountains of Arizona and New MexicoFaune
Tragosoma chiricahuaeLinsley & Chemsak1997446Plante nourricière
Tragosoma chiricahuaeHeffern19987AZ, CO, NMDistribution
Tragosoma spiculumLingafelter & al.2014322fig. 158 c (holotype)USA: New Mexico, Las VegasHolotype
Tragosoma spiculumLaplante20178, 11USA: Southern Rocky Mountains (southern Colorado, New Mexico) and isolated mountains in southeastern Arizonareinstated, synonymie

Tragosoma spiculum compte 2 types :

Nom du typeTypeSexeCollectionInstitutionPaysRégionLocalitéDateCollecteur
Tragosoma spiculum Casey, 1890HolotypeMâleex collection T.L. CaseyNational Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian)ÉTATS-UNISNew MexicoLas VegasMr. Herman Meeske
Tragosoma chiricahuae Linsley, 1959HolotypeMâleCalifornia Academy of Sciences, San FranciscoÉTATS-UNISArizonaChiricahua Mountains, Cochise County, Southwestern Research Station of the American Museum of Natural History, 5 miles West of Portal, Cave Creek Canyon16 août 1958J. R. Quezada