Cerambycidae (Longhorns)

Base de données Titan sur les Cerambycidés ou Longicornes

Atimia nadezhdae Tsherepanov, 1973



Etymology : Nadezhda or Nadežda (Cyrillic: Надежда) is a Slavic female given name popular in Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia and other Slavic countries. It means "hope"
Intervalle de la taille(mm) : [5 - 7]
Atimia nadezhdae compte 3 citations :

Atimia nadezhdaeTsherepanov197380Nature Reserve "Ussuriiskii"Plante nourricière
Atimia nadezhdaeDanilevsky2014383pl. 36, figs 32 (mâle), 33 (femelle)Faune
Atimia nadezhdaeLee, Yoo & Lee2016304figs 1A-B (mâle), 1C-D (femelle), 2A-D, 3A-BKorea: Ssangyong-ri, Hanbandomyeon, Yeongwol-gun, Gangwon-do; Geumchang-ri, Sillim-myeon, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do; Kangnung National University, Jibyeon-dong, Gangneung-si, Gangwon ProvincePlante nourricière, Distribution

Atimia nadezhdae compte 1 type :

Nom du typeTypeSexeCollectionInstitutionPaysRégionLocalitéDateCollecteur
Atimia nadezhdae Tsherepanov, 1973HolotypeMâleSiberian Zoological Museum, Institute of Animal Systematic and Ecology of Animals, NovosibirskRUSSIEPrimorskii Krai ProvinceNature Reserve "Ussuriiskii", 20 km NNE from Mnogoudobnoe, river Suvorovka valley, Peishula locality, Mt. Zmeinaya1 juin 1972A. I. Tsherepanov & N. E. Tsherepanova