Cerambycidae (Longhorns)

Base de données Titan sur les Cerambycidés ou Longicornes

Cerambycini (Cerambycina)
Hoplocerambyx spinicornis (Newman, 1842)



Etymology : Latin : with thorny antennas
Intervalle de la taille(mm) : [27 - 62]
Hoplocerambyx spinicornis compte 40 citations :

Hammaticherus spinicornisNewman1842245Manilla
Hammaticherus spinicornisWhite1853129Philippine Islands
Cerambyx? morosusPascoe185792Borneo
Hoplocerambyx SpinicornisThomson1864230I. Phill., Malasiadésignation
Hoplocerambyx relictusPascoe1866528Penang
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisLacordaire1868261nota 2îles Philippines
Hoplocerambyx relictusLacordaire1868261nota 2Poulo-Pinang
Hoplocerambyx morosusLacordaire1868261nota 2Borneo
Hoplocerambyx morosusPascoe1869515Sarawak, SumatraDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisGemminger & Harold18722803PhilippinaeCatalogue
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisGahan1906131fig. 50 (mâle)Allahabad ; Nepal ; Assam ; Tenasserim : Thagata ; South Afghanistan ; Penang ; Singapore ; Sumatra ; Borneo ; Philippine IslandsFaune
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisAurivillius191256Philippinen, Borneo, Sumatra, Malacca, BengalenCatalogue
Haplocerambyx minorPic19238Tonkinmisspelling
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisGardner192592figs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11a-c, 13, 16-17, 26- 27, 29-30India
Hoplocerambyx spinicornis var. minorPic1946107
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisGressitt195991Philippines; Borneo, Sumatra, Malaya, New Guinea (Neth.)Faune
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisDuffy196889figs 44-49Oriental Region: Borneo, Burma, Bhutan, India (Assam, Bihar, Madras, Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal), Indo-China, Malaya, Nepal, New Guinea, Pakistan (East Bengal), Philippine Is., Singapore, Sumatra, Thailand. Palaearctic Region: Afghanistan. Australasian Region: Palau Is.Plante nourricière
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisGressitt & Rondon197070fig. 14 a (mâle)Afghanistan, India, Burma, Malaya, Sunda Is. Burma, LaosFaune, Plante nourricière
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisHeyrovský1976177Nepal: Kathmandu Valley, NagarjongDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisHayashi & Makihara1981188fig. 13Laos, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Burma, Indo-CinaDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisHayashi19817Nepal: Adhabar, Terai ForestDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisHüdepohl199065fig. 14 (mâle)Afghanistan, India, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Sunda Is., Philippines: Mindanao, Luzon, Benguet, NegrosDistribution
Haplocerambyx spinicornisNiisato1990112Afghanistan, India, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Malay Peninsula, Borneo and Sunda Is.Distribution, misspelling
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisMukhopadhyay & Biswas200051India : U. P., Assam, Meghalaya, West Bengal, Nepal, Burma, Indonesia, South Afghanistan, Penang, Singapore, Philippine IslandsDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisRaychaudhuri & Saha200079figs 4 A-CBuxa Tiger Reserve, Jalpaiguri, West BengalDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisHua2002211China: Taiwan; Philippines, Malaysia, Laos, Myanmar, India, AfghanistanCatalogue, Plante nourricière
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisWeigel2006498NepalDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisWeigel2012407pl. XXVI, fig. aIndien, Arunachal PradeshDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisNga, Long & Thinh2014434fig. 9Vietnam (Vinh Phuc, Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien-Hue, Quang Nam, Gia Lai, Kon Tum, Dak Lak, Ninh Thuan, Dong Nai, Kien Giang); Afghanistan; India; Laos; Malayxia; Myanmar; PakistanDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisKumawat, Mamocha Singh & Ramamurthy20157895fig. 40 (femelle)Arunachal Pradesh, northeastern IndiaDistribution, Biologie, Plante nourricère
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisMitra & al.2015407table 1India: Himachal PradeshDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisMajumder & al.20158244figs 1C-DIndia: Assam, Madhya Pradesh (Dindori), Meghalaya and Sikkim; Afghanistan, Bhutan, Borneo, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, and ThailandDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisMitra & al.201641table 1India, MeghalayaDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisMitra & al.201781India: Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Odisha, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal. Myanmar, Indonesia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia: Penang, Philippine, Singapore; AfghanistanDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisHanks & Wang2017133IndiaPlante nourricière
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisKulkarni, Das & Chander20181536fig. 3India: Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, ChhattisgarhDistribution, Plante nourricière
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisLazarev2019145BhutanDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisLazarev2019111AfghanistanDistribution
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisChen, Liu & Li2019131China: Taiwan. Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, AfghanistanCatalogue
Hoplocerambyx spinicornisNiisato202022Distribution

Hoplocerambyx spinicornis compte 4 types :

Nom du typeTypeSexeCollectionInstitutionPaysRégionLocalitéDateCollecteur
Hammaticherus spinicornis Newman, 1842Holotypeex collection H. CumingThe Natural History Museum, LondonPHILIPPINESLuzonManillaHugh Cuming
Cerambyx? morosus Pascoe, 1857Holotypeex collection PascoeThe Natural History Museum, London«BORNEO»
Hoplocerambyx relictus Pascoe, 1866HolotypeFemelleex collection F. PascoeThe Natural History Museum, LondonSINGAPOURSingapore
Haplocerambyx minor Pic, 1923Holotypeex collection M. PicMuséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, ParisVIETNAMTonkin